Science Communication in 2021
Plastic Pollution in the Caribbean
Between August to November 2021, I delivered 3 presentations that were focused on the issue of Marine Debris and Microplastics in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME). Two were invited presentations at (i) The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 – 2030: Tropical Americas A Clean Ocean Co-Design Workshop, Clean Ocean Working Group (31st August 2021) and, (ii) International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG), Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris Working Group Meeting (24th November 2021). The final presentation was at the Marine Litter Technical Session of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) 74th Conference in November 2021.
eXXpedition Ambassador Superpower Stories
In 2021, eXXpedition staff interviewed several of their ambassadors (including myself) from all across the world. Every story was inspiring! It’s a real honour to know that we are part of this diverse network of changemakers.
Green Infrastructure Club
In May 2021, I was invited to speak to the students of the Green Infrastructure Club of Bridgewater Raritan High School (US-based). During this talk, I shared a couple of points around the idea of ‘Think Global: Act Local’ and gave them a snapshot of my research.
NIHERST/Shell Career Days
During the month of May (5th) and June (30th), I had an amazing opportunity to give secondary school students a snapshot about my career. The enthusiasm and the energy of these sessions were really the highlight of my week. I have no doubt that these sessions are invaluable to young people that are making important choices regarding their future careers. Kudos to both NIHERST and Shell for this initiative!
Oceans of Plastic Panel Discussion
On March 23rd 2021, I had the opportunity to join an Oceans of Plastic Panel Discussion (Dubai Expo Talks: Water). Some of the key points that I raised during that conversation were (i) the importance of context-specific solutions, (ii) using scientific data to inform management responses, (iii) the need for ‘all hands on deck’.
eXXpedition Amabassador Conversations
As an eXXpedition Ambassador, the year 2021 has already been a busy one. Thus far, there have been Panel Discussions (March 16th and May 27th) and meetings (July 12th) all centered around the issue of plastic pollution. These conversations have been instrumental in broadening my perspective about the issue.
The Willow Foundation’s Beach Clean-Up
Youths right here in Trinidad and Tobago are doing amazing things! On 21st February 2021, I was delighted to have an opportunity to speak to the members of the Willow Foundation about the issue of marine debris in our coastal environment. This panel discussion was hosted in advance of the Willow Foundation’s Beach Clean-Up at Mayaro, Trinidad.
Barrel Bag Interview
Science communication in 2021 started with an interview (via Instagram Live) for the US-based organization Barrel Bag. On February 4th 2021, Sheehan Belleca conducted a great interview as she allowed me to share some of my research findings about microplastics in the ocean with their followers. It was my first time doing an Instagram Live interview!