Science Communication in 2022
Anthropogenic activities & the Caroni Swamp
In March 2022, I was interviewed about the Caroni Swamp, Trinidad’s largest mangrove swamp and one of its RAMSAR sites. This swamp is dear to me because this is where my journey as a scientist began. The swamp is situated within the Caroni River Basin and there are a diverse array of anthropogenic activities occurring within and in close proximity to it that have the potential to negatively impact it. To date, there have been several scientific studies that have documented the impact of anthropogenic activities on the Caroni Swamp. Read article here.
Plastic Pollution A threat to the Caribbean’s coastal & marine ecosystesms
During the past four decades (1980 - 2020), marine debris and microplastics have persisted within the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME). In Kanhai et al. (2022), we assessed the state of knowledge about (i) the distribution, quantification, sources, transport and fate of marine debris/litter and microplastics in the coastal/marine environment of the CLME and, (ii) the effects of plastics on biodiversity. For the Caribbean region, we identified existing knowledge gaps and suggested a way forward, especially in the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and its outcome of ‘A Clean Ocean’. Read scientific article here and press release article in the Environment Section of UWI Today here.
Earth Day 2022
On Earth Day 2022, I had the opportunity to share my story and provide a few nuggets of advice to young people who were on the verge of completing their undergraduate degrees. I encouraged them to maintain a growth mindset throughout their careers and to be driven to tackle emerging environmental issues. View recording here.
Food Security & Environmental Impacts
The month of May is always a busy one as it’s a time when final exams are graded! This year, I also had the opportunity to deliver two presentations. The first was a keynote presentation on ‘Plastic Pollution: Think Global, Act Local’ at the GEF/UNDP Accelerator Labs National Workshop on Reducing Plastic Pollution. For the second, I was one of the speakers at a webinar that was focused on Food Security and Environmental Impacts. During my talk, I discussed why the issue of plastic pollution was of concern to the Caribbean Region. View recording here.
Polar Impact
One of the coolest life stories that I will always be willing to share is how a young woman from the Caribbean ended up doing research in the Arctic Ocean. Happy that Polar Impact decided to feature my store. Read here.
Microplastics Status in the Caribbean
The Association of Caribbean States (ACS), in collaboration with multiple other organizations, set aside one week in November 2022 to focus on the issue of ‘Microplastics in the Caribbean: Sources, Impacts and Monitoring Methodologies’. This commendable initiative allowed us to connect with and hear from other researchers across the region who were simultaneously working on various aspects of the issue of plastic pollution. During that week, I was invited to deliver a presentation on ‘Microplastics Status in the Caribbean’. This of course was based on our recent publication (Kanhai et al. 2022).
The Human Dimension of Plastic Pollution in Trinidad and Tobago
At the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) 75th Conference, I was able to present the preliminary findings regarding ‘The Human Dimension of Plastic Pollution in Trinidad and Tobago’ project. Initial funding for this project was acquired via a Commonwealth Open Science Conference Follow-On Grant from The Royal Society (UK). Sponsorship of complimentary mobile service for 1 year was also provided by Digicel for one resident of Trinidad and one resident of Tobago. The manuscript is currently being prepared, following which an open access webinar will be hosted to share the findings with the public.
Finish Strong!
The final formal outreach activity that I engaged in 2022 was as a speaker on the ‘Chemicals and Waste’ Panel Discussion during the UNDP Civil Society Organization (CSO)/Small Grants Program (SGP) Conference in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. During the event, there were several other panel discussions (e.g. Biodiversity, Climate Change, Social Impact and Community Building) that allowed the audience to get a glimpse of the wonderful work that diverse CSOs were engaged in. After a really thought-provoking day, I picked up some locally crafted soaps, a vetiver-framed mirror for my office (reminds me of the concept of Nature-Based Solutions) and put in an order for a tumbler to start home composting in 2023.