Science Communication Prior to 2015
Guyana Mangrove Forum 2013
In 2013, I had the opportunity to attend the Guyana Mangrove Forum, a meeting that brought together some of the region’s mangrove researchers to share some of the work that they were involved in. Photo credit: Guyana Mangrove Forum Organizing Committee.
Sixth Biennial Caribbean Environmental Forum & Exhibition (CEF-6)
In May 2012, I traveled to St. Kitts and Nevis to present my findings about chemical contaminants in wetlands in Trinidad to the regional scientific community. Photo credit: La Daana K. Kanhai.
9th Intecol International Wetlands Conference
In June 2012, I traveled to Orlando, Florida to present my findings about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Caroni Swamp, Trinidad to the international scientific community. Photo credit: La Daana K. Kanhai.